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Using Personal Vocabulary Notes to Motivate the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 01 Mandalle


A.     Background

Vocabulary is the first stage in any language learning. Vocabulary is important to be improved in language learning process. Commonly, students cannot compose a sentence or phrase in speaking even writing and reading because they are poor in vocabulary. Most of the students are lazy to memorize and increase their vocabulary, it causes of some teachers cannot motivate them because lack teaching method.
Kelvin (1999:164) states that, motivation and management can be especially troubling to new and prospective teachers. It can be particularly worrisome because classroom life is not fully under teacher control. Events depend not only on teacher own actions but also depend on the standards of school and community, as well as on the ages and personalities of particular students. Yet in spite of these complicating factors, teachers are supposed to keep control, at the same time that teacher inspires students to learn. No wonder management matters to teachers, and wonder it can be difficult to motivate – to recognize – some students.
So, in teaching students and improve their need of vocabulary teachers have to motivate the students with some method or strategy and make the students to learn more. Barbara Fuller in Kelvin (1999:167), wondering how she will organize her program for the coming year. She has heard about cooperative learning – getting students to work together toward common goals – as a good way to create a productive environment. A teacher has to have a planning of teaching about what method or strategy that he is going to use and suitable to the students for each semester forward, surely for teaching vocabulary teachers have to make planning to improve their ability and that planning are going to enjoy the students and make them working group and solving problem together.
Personal vocabulary Notes is a planning for making students work in group in improving their vocabulary. Personal Vocabulary Notes is a way of developing student vocabulary in a personalized way while encouraging them to become autonomous learners. Even it named a personal vocabulary Notes, but in applying it, students will ask and solve the problem each other.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is going to observe the following title of thesis, motivating the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Mandalle to memorize vocabulary using personal vocabulary Notes becomes an interesting topic to discuss

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